Indonesian Cultural Night by ISASU

Tonight, the Indonesian Student at Seattle University (ISASU) held their second cultural night dedicated for the Tsunami victims in Aceh. I would say that it was pretty tight. Gamelan Pacifica opened the event. I had goosebumps while watching them perform, WoW! The whole crew (around 8 peeps) were all Americans and they played traditional Indonesian musical instruments (a full set of Gamelan) while also singin with the original "Sinden" style...

Jessica, the singer, spent around 2 years in Solo - Jawa Tengah to learn how to sing those Javanese songs correctly... DANCE! She's goodd... Shouldn't I be the one who sing those songs and play those instruments HeHee... I don't think that I see 100% of my Indonesian origins in me... First, I can't even do any traditional Indonesian dances... Owell, I can sing some traditional Indonesian songs tho' x) that's pretty much it I guess...
During intermission; Siomay, Risoles and Teh Botol were provided in buffet style (seems like I'm attending a wedding).
Pencak Silat was the next performance, and again, the performers were all Americans. They belong to this Pencak Silat studio owned by an Indonesian down in First Avenue. I saw those 'bule2's' faces watchin the whole performance and they all looked stunned.

Then there was this one Indonesian lady who performed the Jaipong dance solo. DANCE! It was hella long, sooo borinngg...
Truusss, the climax of the whole event was the 'Saman Dance'... All the girls did a good job... Proud of you all girls... I should've danced too, but I was in NY when they practiced. Owell, next time maybe (or NOT?!? HeHee)

The closing act was "The Interlake Project"... Ma Meenn Fo Shoo HeHee... Arifin and Haree didn't perform tho' coz Ipin just got back from Indo today and Haree's still in LA. Owell, there were only Rangga, Leo and Rifky... They did GRREAAT! They sang their own version of Bengawan Solo, it was sang in Blues, COOLNESS... Rifky's voice improved alot! Then they also sang 2 other songs from Minang. Keep on improving peopoo... I'll be the manager fo' shoo (I am already, sorta, right?!? HeHee)
We all stayed quite long after it was done coz we were all jammin with styleee HeHee... DANCE! Arya's an awsome guitarist. Hey Lin, Mi do oyu guys remember Arya? Adek kelas kita and there was this one guy from AIS that's a guitar genius.. Beeehh De Besss! We then made our so called "rap song" together... It was fun HaHaahh... Are we talented or what. It was sorta like a new game of ours. Rangga started jammin with his guitar, and then the rest of us just makin up stories and rappin it all out with style.. Rifky and Arya were the ones who did the harmonization. We sure were creative tonight HeHee...

Owell, Rifky and Rangga went to this DJ night at Medusa while I ended up watchin that new Indonesian movie called 'Virgin'. Rasti (adek kelasku) was in it. It wasn't that bad, but I wouldn't say that it's good either. It's plot is kinda weird. Hmmmph... Oh, I got the new Melly Goeslaw's CD with the OST of Tentang Dia. DANCE! Another genius album...
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