Kurasakan sudah
Ada ruang di hatiku yang kausentuh
Dan ketika...
Kusadari sudah
Tak selalu indah cinta yang ada
Mungkin memang ku yang harus mengerti
Bila ku bukan yang ingin kau miliki
Salahkah ku bila...
Kaulah yang ada di hatiku
Adakah ku singgah di hatimu?
Mungkinkah kau rindukan adaku?
Adakah ku sedikit di hatimu?
Bilakah ku mengganggu harimu?
Mungkinkah kau tak inginkan adaku?
Akankah ku sedikit di hatimu?
Bila memang ku yang harus mengerti
Mengapa cintamu tak dapat kumiliki
Salahkah ku bila...
Kaulah yang ada di hatiku
Kau yang ada di hatiku
Bila cinta kita takkan tercipta
Ku hanya sekedar ingin 'tuk mengerti
Adakah diriku singgah di hatimu?
Dan bilakah kau tahu...
Kaulah yang ada di hatiku
Kau yang ada di hatiku
Adakah ku di hatimu?
Maliq & The Essentials
"hari ini aku mendapati pesanmu telah menyapaku
dilayar saat lelapku, pesan sapamu berpapasan dengan
hariku membentuk berbagai perlintasan di mana kita
telah bertukar resah, berbagi kisah dan saling mendukung,
kadang hanya beberapa kata dan kadang puluhan baris
perbincangan dan kadang lewat hanya lambang
isyarat yang menderaikan tawa bahagia sekalipun
beberapa puluh detik saja
Perlintasan perlintasan itu, sungguh telah kini
membentuk suatu denah yang kita lewati pelan pelan
di mana kita selalu saling bertanya, dan saling perduli
sekalipun tipis sekalipun terbata
kini pada saat kau kembali dalam ruangmu dan aku
menuliskan pesan ini,telah muncul suatu
rindu, yang menggeliat perlahan penuh pertimbangan,
dan kadang dihantui keraguan
Kukirimkan rindu ini, di awal hariku menjelang
berangkat kerjaku kukirimkan kepadamu seraya
telah membiarkan bagian bagian darimu tinggal di
ruang ruang diriku di perjalananku"
berjuta rasa kian menggemuruh di dada
berbagai melodi indah tercipta dalam angan
sebuah imaji belaka yang menjadi realita
kini menghiasi hari-hariku
ingin aku berlari mengejar waktu
melepaskan segala tanggung jawab
demi melepas rindu
rindu yang kian menggerogoti tubuhku
apalah daya
jarak selalu hadir diantara kita
sampai hari itu datang
kiranya kita bersabar menanti
menahan asa dan membangun diri
demi masa depan kita yg sementara
Meet HaRee
My new found extended relative, meet HaRee... Remember his face, coz he's gonna be a huge singer when he got back to Indo He3 Such a talented singer, proud of u kiddo!
Rifky's Farewell
One of my best buddies is leavin for Indo tomorrow huhuhh.. Owell, he'll be back in 6 months. Ok so, his farewell was at Solara and 'The Interlake Project' performed. They have to additional members, Arya in Guitar and Bagus in sound mixing. New peopo in the hood yo' HeHeee...

Fever Pitch is kinda boring, it's a true American movie tho'
A neverending conversation
Hmmpffphh... Again, a boring convo over the phone. Guess that there ain't much to say by now. Just see how it goes coz I'm just goin with his pace.
Career Fair
Went out on an interview for Starbucks, yeey! One of my dream jobs, working at Starbucks Coffee Company ^^ I applied for an assistant store manager since I don't have any experience in retails yet. Btw since when a fresh undergrad got a manager position right away, unless u have at least a one year experience in retails though. Owell... hope that they'll gimme a call soon.
I told them that I'm interested in working for Starbucks, Indonesia in the end, and having a working experience here in Seattle, home of Starbucks, would certainly gave me the benefits.
Starbucks and its ambiance ^^
A Fortune 500 company
Okayy, soo... At the beginning, I wasn't really excited about GIGI's concert tonight, coz I'm not a big fan of them anywayz, but owell, just to kill time, there's nothin to lose I guess (besides that $25 that'll go to the Tsunami Victims in Aceh HeHee)
The door was opened at 9 pm... You know, Indo peeps, when they say that the concert's gonna start at 8 pm, it'll actually be 1/2-1 hour late.
In this case, the opening band started at 9.30 pm, mann, dat was sure a long delay.
"Jam & The Walk" from Portland opened the concert. Eric and Mia (Yess, our Mia from Global) are the vocalists. They sang their own songs for this concert since the GIGI management asked the opening bands to perform their originals. Mia, as always, stunned the audiences with her Jazzy Vocals, DANCE! she's soo good, so proud of you kiddo... And Eric, as always, HE RAAAWKS!!! HeHeee...
Another band from L.A., "Fourwall", also performed... Those peeps with their 'Rastas' HeHee.. I love their stage performance, especially the vocalist. His facial expression is undeniably in-sync with the lyrics & the music itself... Pokoknya kereeeyn dehh...
Thenn it was time for "GIGI" Yeeyy!!! They started performing at 10.45 pm... GIGI = Armand (Vocals), Budjana (Guitar), Thomas (Bass) & Hendy (drummer, he's the new guy in the band, he's sooo cutee HeHee). Guess where did I stand during the whole concert? Yess, front row beibehh! Mann I was so close to Armand x) ... I even got two water bottles during the concert from Thomas HeHee (How often do you get water during a concert from the artist? TWICE?!? that sure doesn't happen often =p) I would say that the whole concert was OuFF Da' Hook! Didn't really expect it to be such a fun night, a night to remember... How often do you go to concert where everybody in the room knows each other and even holding hand in hands when the songs turned mellow... Priceless!!! GIGI basically sang all of their hit singles, and maann they are SUPER NICE... The audience engaged with the band throughout the whole concert... De Bess dehh pokokee... suksess bratzz!!!
Klo gak salah sih mreka bawain 18 lagu, hmmm, banyak juga yahh... Trakhir2nya mreka bawain lagu "Anak Sekolah"-nya Chrisye ama Bengawan Solo (sehati banget ama Interlake Project, you go guys!) Eh iya di awal2nya mreka juga bawain lagu yang "Tuhan, Tuhan yang Maha Esaaa..." yah yg itulah pokoke... Duwh worth it banget dehh pokonyahh... Abis slesai, ada meet and greet deyyh... Asekkk fotoan bareng Kihiiy HeHee... Fotonya nyusul yauww...
The Day
today is the day...
a day that I've been yearning for
a day where your eyes are widely opened
opened to reality
a reality that might be surreal for both of us
you told me that you are ready
ready for a thing called commitment
you asked me if I'm also ready
ready to be yours truly
somehow I still have them
how can I jump into a courtship with you
when everything happened in such a vast pace
you told me that you have "something" to say
"something" that you wanted to say only when I'm present
you asked me again whether I'm ready for that "something"
I can't promise you anything
because today, everything seems nothing
random thoughts, random thoughts...
you sure made me wonder
wonder whether all of these are real
let's just wait and see then
see what will happen to us in the near future
if this is love, then so be it...
(this is still a work in progress, but this sure is made from a real life drama HeHee... guyss this is the dayy)
setiap kali ku membuka lembaran baru
setiap kali ku melangkah maju
kau kian kembali dalam hidupku
setiap kali ku berpijak kembali
setiap ku terbangun dari mimpiku
kau kembali hadir dalam hidupku
seberapapun kerasnya usahaku
untuk menjadi sebuah batu karang yang kokoh
yang tak bergeming walau dihempas ombak
hanya bagaikan mengejar angin
kau selalu mampu merobohkan hatiku
membuatku terjatuh dan terjatuh lagi
membuatku merasakan hal yang tak terjadi
kapankah semua ini akan berakhir?
kapankah aku bisa terlepas dari jeratmu?
apakah ini memang jalan kita?
aku tak mengerti
aku sungguh tak mengerti...
apakah kita akan segera tahu akhir dari cerita ini?
atau apakah penantian ini tak berujung?
semua jawaban ada padamu
hanya dirimulah yang mampu mengungkap semua

Tonight, the Indonesian Student at Seattle University (ISASU) held their second cultural night dedicated for the Tsunami victims in Aceh. I would say that it was pretty tight. Gamelan Pacifica opened the event. I had goosebumps while watching them perform, WoW! The whole crew (around 8 peeps) were all Americans and they played traditional Indonesian musical instruments (a full set of Gamelan) while also singin with the original "Sinden" style...

Jessica, the singer, spent around 2 years in Solo - Jawa Tengah to learn how to sing those Javanese songs correctly... DANCE! She's goodd... Shouldn't I be the one who sing those songs and play those instruments HeHee... I don't think that I see 100% of my Indonesian origins in me... First, I can't even do any traditional Indonesian dances... Owell, I can sing some traditional Indonesian songs tho' x) that's pretty much it I guess...
During intermission; Siomay, Risoles and Teh Botol were provided in buffet style (seems like I'm attending a wedding).
Pencak Silat was the next performance, and again, the performers were all Americans. They belong to this Pencak Silat studio owned by an Indonesian down in First Avenue. I saw those 'bule2's' faces watchin the whole performance and they all looked stunned.

Then there was this one Indonesian lady who performed the Jaipong dance solo. DANCE! It was hella long, sooo borinngg...
Truusss, the climax of the whole event was the 'Saman Dance'... All the girls did a good job... Proud of you all girls... I should've danced too, but I was in NY when they practiced. Owell, next time maybe (or NOT?!? HeHee)

The closing act was "The Interlake Project"... Ma Meenn Fo Shoo HeHee... Arifin and Haree didn't perform tho' coz Ipin just got back from Indo today and Haree's still in LA. Owell, there were only Rangga, Leo and Rifky... They did GRREAAT! They sang their own version of Bengawan Solo, it was sang in Blues, COOLNESS... Rifky's voice improved alot! Then they also sang 2 other songs from Minang. Keep on improving peopoo... I'll be the manager fo' shoo (I am already, sorta, right?!? HeHee)
We all stayed quite long after it was done coz we were all jammin with styleee HeHee... DANCE! Arya's an awsome guitarist. Hey Lin, Mi do oyu guys remember Arya? Adek kelas kita and there was this one guy from AIS that's a guitar genius.. Beeehh De Besss! We then made our so called "rap song" together... It was fun HaHaahh... Are we talented or what. It was sorta like a new game of ours. Rangga started jammin with his guitar, and then the rest of us just makin up stories and rappin it all out with style.. Rifky and Arya were the ones who did the harmonization. We sure were creative tonight HeHee...

Owell, Rifky and Rangga went to this DJ night at Medusa while I ended up watchin that new Indonesian movie called 'Virgin'. Rasti (adek kelasku) was in it. It wasn't that bad, but I wouldn't say that it's good either. It's plot is kinda weird. Hmmmph... Oh, I got the new Melly Goeslaw's CD with the OST of Tentang Dia. DANCE! Another genius album...